
Statement of purpose

  • To provide high quality, safe, professional primary health care services to our patients
  • To be a learning organisation that continually improves what we are able to offer patients.
  • To focus on prevention of disease by promoting health and well-being and by offering care and advice to our patients.
  • To treat patients as individuals and with the same respect as we would want for ourselves or a member of our own family,
  • To listen to and give support to patients, in order to allow them to express their needs and wants and enable them to maintain the maximum possible level of independence, choice and control.
  • To work in partnership with other agencies to tackle the causes of, as well as provide the treatment for, ill health and where appropriate involve other professionals in the care of our patients.
  • To ensure that all staff have the competency and motivation to deliver the required standards of care and the right skills and training to carry out their duties.
  • To take care of staff, offering them support to do their jobs and to protect them against abuse. We have a zero tolerance of all forms of abuse.
  • To provide staff and patients with an environment which is safe and friendly.
  • To act with integrity and confidentiality
  • To operate on a financially sound basis